速報APP / 遊戲 / Forest Troll Simulator 3D

Forest Troll Simulator 3D





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Forest Troll Simulator 3D(圖1)-速報App

Forest Troll Simulator is an RPG style game for android with an easy touch button and controls. Packed with exciting graphic and characters, Forest Troll simulator 3D is a mobile game you don't want to miss.

Story line:

Forest Troll Simulator 3D(圖2)-速報App

This forest troll is living peacefully in this side of the forest but one day people started to disturb him, so in his anger

he ask them to pay but with different kind of payment, their lives.

Forest Troll Simulator 3D(圖3)-速報App

Forest Troll Simulator 3D Features:

• Run charge and move similar to a real Troll.

Forest Troll Simulator 3D(圖4)-速報App

• Plain & Effortless tap based controls.

• Varying weather conditions options.

Forest Troll Simulator 3D(圖5)-速報App

• Mesmerizing fantastic 3D artwork.

• increase life by eliminating foes and NPCs.

Forest Troll Simulator 3D(圖6)-速報App

• Complete Missions to Level Up your Forest Troll.

• Believable Dragon behavior and motions.

Forest Troll Simulator 3D(圖7)-速報App

• Great Camera movements.

Have a great time playing Forest Troll Simulator 3D

Forest Troll Simulator 3D(圖8)-速報App

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